Gentle scrubbing sloughs off dead, dull, flaky skin cells and revs up circulation, revealing smooth, soft, sexy legs and thighs. Often neglected until warm weather rolls around, the skin on the legs takes a beating, thanks to exposure to sunlight, changes in humidity and temperature, and fri...
Want to know how to even your skin tone at home? We spoke to three skincare experts for their tutorial on evening your skin tone.
The dye should be brushed into the hair on the area of the face one wishes to darken. Care must be exercised during this process to keep the dye off the skin because it will color the skin as well. 4. Use Pencil to Darken Facial Hair In the case of a thin mustache, some men use...
Dark spots, medically known as hyperpigmentation, are a common skin concern for many people. Dark spots usually appear darker than the surrounding skin. They can vary in size, shape, and color intensity. These spots can make you feel self-conscious about your skin. While numerous chemical treat...
the lips to darken,are there any creams or medicines or natural therapies available to get back my original lip color, and do i restore my lip color in the future.Could you also suggest the type of lip balm or lipticks that need to be used for sensitive lips.would appreciate your reply...
If you plan on dying your hair either golden brown or light brown with reddish highlights, then you may be able to use chamomile tea to darken your eyebrows. I used it on my light brown hair, and it gave it a golden red hue. When I put it on my eyebrows, it did the same. ...
In the image below, the Luminance sliders were used to illuminate the girl’s skin. The orange, yellow, and purple color slider values were increased to lighten the girl’s skin and obtain a vibrant skin tone. The red color slider was decreased to darken the girl’s lip tone. Next, the...
people with darker skin who have eczema is splotchy changes in skin color, or discoloration. Whether from scratching or from the eczema itself, darker skin tones can darken further (hyperpigmentation) or lighten (hypopigmentation). Hyperpigmentation is especially common in children with darker skin. ...
One of the downsides to spray on tans it that they can leave large tan stains on your favorite summer clothes and swimsuits. Luckily, you can remove spray tan stains from most types of fabric with some simple techniques.
It can backfire and darken the lips further. Apply cabbage juice instead.Concerns about your dark, pigmented lips? Dark lips may appear to have a bluish to grayish hue. The causes of darkening of the lips can be a variety of factors ranging from systemic diseases, skin disorders, ...