While the light is coming from above, it wasn’t as directional as the processed image suggests. An image like this needs a little more work in Lightroom in order to obtain the dark background that a Rembrandt style portrait requires. I made some subtle changes by setting the following: E...
Using the combination of a low exposure and range set to shadows I can darken any light areas. Our eyes gravitate to light parts of an image. Light objects or areas visible on a dark background can be distracting. As with any manipulation in Lightroom or Photoshop, I avoid extremes. I ...
Pulling the Blue and/or Aqua channels to the left to darken them can recover lost details in the sky. You can find the Luminance sliders in the HSL / Color tab on the right side of your screen. Let’s take this photo, for example. The right side of the sky is somewhat blown out....
Capture mood and emotion in your next photoshoot by learning how to do black background photography or how to use a black background in photo editing.
Here's our guide on how to use Lightroom for amateur and professional photographers alike. These Lightroom tutorials and tips will boost your editing workflow!
In the image below, the Luminance sliders were used to illuminate the girl’s skin. The orange, yellow, and purple color slider values were increased to lighten the girl’s skin and obtain a vibrant skin tone. The red color slider was decreased to darken the girl’s lip tone. ...
What is the new Mask tool in Lightroom? Masks allow you to make adjustments and apply them to a specific area of your photograph. For example, you canblur only the backgroundor darken just the sky. These are just some basic examples, but masks are very powerful tools that let you do ...
If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in theAdobe Lightroom community. We'd love to hear from you! More like this Get started with Lightroom for mobile (iOS) Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (Android) ...
To learn how to remove a background in Photoshop, you’ll need to have downloaded Photoshop. If you don’t already have it, you can get it throughAdobe’s Creative Cloud Plan. This bundle also includesLightroomfor a total of $9.99/month. ...
Lightroom has a dedicatedSharpening section, which lets you apply sharpening and then fine-tune the effect: Now, in food photography, you don’t need to sharpen the props and the background. Instead, you should only sharpen the food (the focus is on the food, so that’s what you should...