Jurairat J. Molina, MD, is a board-certified allergist with her own private practice, Corpus Christi Allergy Associates. learn more miodrag ignjatovic / Getty Images Tell us why! Other Submit 6 Sources Health.com uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the ...
How to insulate your shed walls 1. Measure the space between the studs. 2. Fit a damp-proof membrane between the studs to reduce moisture build-up. 3. Cut the insulation to size using a serrated knife (if you don’t have a suitable tool, a bread knife can work well). ...
Alternatively, you can use a concrete pad to support your shed. You want to make sure that the pad is the same size as the base of the shed. Additionally, you’ll need to place a damp-proof membrane, or DPC, on top of the sand or gravel base before you add the concrete. This en...
If you’ve discovered an issue with spiders in your garden shed or garage area, there are ways to help! Depending on the type of spider, you may want to keep them out because it’s dangerous, or you may just want to be able to walk into this space and not run into a cobweb....
American cockroaches, one of the largest species, are reddish-brown and often found in basements, sewers, and other damp conditions. The Oriental cockroach, dark brown to black, is often called a "water bug" due to its preference for wet, cooler areas, and is slower than other species. ...
Now, your bed should be quite damp, and it’s time to cover it with baking soda again. Rub the baking soda in with a white rag, and you may want to put a little extra on the darker stains. By this point, you’ll notice a firm paste has formed on your mattress. For really toug...
When it comes to the cheapest way to roof a shed there are two ways of looking at things:The first is to choose the very cheapest material on a square metre basis. For this approach the cheapest shed roof material will be traditional shed roofing felt. However you will soon find (...
Keep snow cleared from the base of trees and shrubs. Protect young trees by wrapping the lower trunk with a chew-proof material (such as small-grade hardware cloth). Bird feeders are another attraction for voles and should either be removed, or the ground kept very clean to keep vole numbe...
The key is to always lap the sheathing wrap to shed water and to properly integrate the wrap with flashings so water is directed on top of the layer below.All sheathing wraps fall into three basic types: asphalt felt, Grade D building paper, and synthetic housewrap. Grade D building ...
She advises that all products are best used after bathing when skin is damp and will more readily absorb the product. Invest in Lasers "I love active skincare products and laser/energy devices to enhance moisture retention," notes MacGregor. "Young kids and babies have plump and luminous ...