By learning how to grow succulents from leaves and stems, you can expand your collection and impress your friends.
A cut straight across on this Echeveria stem. I used to take them at an angle but switchedto straightacross. Both ways have worked for me. How to Prune/Trim Succulents If you’re new to the wonderful world of succulents, it’s best to watch the video and to get a visual idea of h...
Succulents can start to drop their leavesif they're kept in low light conditions for too long. You'll know that your plant has this issue if it looks tall and stretched out. ... So if your plant seems to be growing sideways to get closer to a window, that's another sign that lack...
plant, however, we’re sure you’ll never misidentify it again (and that you’re going to want to grow some in your own backyard).Read on for a detailed exploration of the agapanthus genus, including its characteristics, history, growing preferences, maintenance requirements, and problem areas...
Cutting garden: a garden filled with flowers grown to be cut and arranged Container garden: a garden built above the ground in containers Succulent garden: a low water-use garden that features succulents, cacti, and rocks Moon garden: to be enjoyed after-hours, a garden that blooms at night...
There are many plants to choose from in the weird and wonderful world of succulents. But one of the strangest has to be thecoral cactus. You’ve probably seen these in your local nursery and wondered how a plant like that could exist. The tops emerge from thick stems in a fan shape, ...
Lithops are succulents that are easy to grow once you understand their basics needs. They make a lovely addition to any indoor and outdoor rock garden...
Once your plants are established, they should grow well for years and years…decades. Fertilize two or three times a season for best results, beginning early in the spring. Cut back tall plants any time after fall frost, but before the plant begins to grow again in the spring. When growin...
Remove the house plant from its container by holding the container in one hand and placing your other hand over the soil, straddling the plant inside the palm of your hand. Tap the container to loosen the plant and it should easily glide out of the container. Cut off any roots that are...
When cutting flowers, don’t remove more than half of the blooms and make sure to leave enough stem (with at least 3 or 4 leaves) on the plant. Hint: Remove dead blooms in spring/early summer but wait to cut peony bushes to the ground until after the first frost. For longer lasting...