Solved: Hi everyone, i'm having problem when i try to make two circle to follow path using path array function. the problem is, the first circle
Introduction of AutoCAD Creating Drawing How to draw a line 5m 32s How to draw line using co-ordinate system 5m 59s How to draw rectangle 5m 21s How to draw a circle 8m 6s How to draw ellipse 4m 59s How to draw polygon 5m 7s How to draw arc 9m 2s How to draw revis...
Hi Everyone, I've had a quick tip forwarded to me for speeding up using the Trim and Extend commands. To speed up Trim and Extend, edit the commands in the CUI to include a space and a semi colon and add them to the right click default shortcut... ...
In this snippet we will see, how you can leverage the selection filters to get a circle(s) from a given a centre point! Do let me know if you have used conditional filters in any interesting scenario. How do I prepare a conditional filter sequence ? For example, we have a task to f...
I am a new user of Illustrator CS5, switching from Freehand. I am trying to find out if there is a way to select only the objects within a selection marquee? In AutoCAD you can make a selection window from left to right and only those objects entirely within the ...
How to create a custom hatch with an ARC or circle? Hello guys, I need some advice on creating a custom hatch pattern consisting on an ARC/circle. Now I know one way of making custom hatch through making a notepad file and saving as .pat file and then importing in Autocad...
I was given a library (.lib) and a header file in C++. I would like to write a window desktop application program to call it. Since it's inconvenient to write windows desktop program in C++, at least relative to C#, so I need to call this C++ library from C#. How can I do ...
The Circle Method With fillet, AutoCAD takes a few actions out of our hands. You can essentially do the same thing with the circle command. When starting this command, there are a few options in the command line. One of them isTTR. It stands forTan Tan Radius, which is short forTangent...
How do you access screenshots in the downloads folder? To find your screenshots by using the downloads folder, follow these steps: OpenLauncher. This is on your desktop shelf, and it looks like a dot inside a circle. SelectFiles.
Select any base point as per the requirement of the newly drawn object (any point of a circle). At last, it will ask for ‘Select an item in the array to replace. Select those objects which we want to replace as shown. Replace item in Polar Array command-AutoCAD ...