How to Curl Your Hair: Wavy Curls Wavy hair makes me happy. It means less blow drying, less brushing, less straightening, and more volume. Many of you have emailed me wondering how I get the lose wavy curls in my hair. And honestly, I can’t take the credit. I watched this ...
How to find your curl type and care tips for the four types of hair texture from 2A to 3B to 4C, plus a curly hair type chart to help you identify your curl pattern.
The Best Hair Dryers To Ever Exist... Like Ever Run, Don't Walk... Emi Jay Is Finally at Sephora Gracie Abrams Is My 2025 Hair Trend Muse Miley Cyrus's Stylist Swears By This $16 Hairspray Battle of the Hot Rollers: Drybar vs. T3...
I Have 4c Hair and I <3 These Blow Dryers A Beginner's Guide to the Curly Girl Method I Promise, Mousse Will Transform Your Curly Hair BRB, Slathering Coconut Oil Through My Hair Presented by L'Oreal Paris 16 Clarifying Shampoos That Won’t Strip Your Hair ...
The whole color trend that’s going on right now is so fun. I’ve really wanted to give it a whirl but I’ve been too nervous to pull the trigger. So when my niece introduced me to hair chalk I knew it was the perfect solution because its temporary. Fun color for a few days and...
Add definition to your wavy hair with acurl defining crème. Apply a small amount to your palms, and gently comb through with your fingers Finger-comb ourdaily styling sprayinto your strands to enhance your curl pattern and tame frizz
An expert guide to thick, wavy and unruly hair, including the products, cuts & styles you should go for in order to make the most of your hair texture
If your hair is not naturally straight, but you also don't have kinky hair or tightly coiled hair, you might have wondered "Is my hair curly or wavy?" Read on to learn how to tell which curl type or wave pattern your hair has — plus, find out about thebest products for hydrating...
in damaging habits (like shampooing and heat styling) for a healthy curly hair regimen using just conditioner and gel. While this set of recommendations has been shown to have incredible results for many curlies in our community, you should alwaysfeel free to modify themto suit your hair!
Using a flat iron, you can skillfully curl your hair to reveal the burst of peekaboo color in each swish and bounce. This technique visually enhances the depth of your hair, allowing those hidden hues to take center stage once the curls are in full swing. ...