How to cure the C á NCER, influenza and sinusitis, heal and prevent diseases of hemorrhoid, throat and erysipelas, the wound inside the mouth with the tongue, osteoporosis and rheumatism in children jJAIR SERAFIM AMADOR
Stimulus control therapy:requires you to make rules such as using the bed for sleep and sex only, leaving it if you can’t fall asleep for 20 minutes, go to bed only if you’re exhausted. However, it’s critical that you’re true to yourself when following these rules. Relaxation techn...
I have been using iodine to cure cavities for about 40 years. It works great. Organic iodine from the health food store is probably best but I've mostly used the ordinary stuff from the drugstore. If you have active cavities and perhaps toothache as well, put 10 or 12 drops in a smal...
If you have nasal or sinus congestion, then a decongestant can help. If you have drainage -- either a runny nose or postnasal drip or itchy, watery eyes -- then an antihistamine could work. How to Get Over a Cold 00:00 00:00 About Transcript Sniffles got you down? Here are some...
The question of is colloidal silver antibacterial is a common one among people. When it comes to bacteria, silver has been shown to decimate most of them. These bacteria cause many infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, and otitis. These can be long-term problems and even chro...
There's no one right way to treat a cold or theflu. But here are some questions you can ask your pharmacist to get the correct over-the-countermedicationfor you. 1. Should I take a decongestant or an antihistamine? This depends on your symptoms. If you have nasal orsinuscongestion, the...
Ways to Relieve Congestion and Sinus Pain You don't need a doctor's care for most sinus pain: Try these remedies to ease your symptoms. Explore More Article Do You Need a Flu Shot? Many new shots have been pointed our way since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Here's why you still ne...
(intranasal zinc). The intranasal form is often discouraged because of a scary side-effect—it can cause you to lose your sense of smell, potentially permanently. The Food and Drug Administration outlawed several zinc nasal products after 130 consumers reported a loss of their sense of smell ...
cure pain for shorter duration of time while some time it can give you permanent relief and can cure even sever pain permanently. It was discovered by ancient Chinese that insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body has therapeutic effect and many diseases and medical conditions ...
Ive had chronic sinus and respiratory infections yet had no idea why? My body aches like I had the flu but I dont. Ive removed myself from the home and am now having a very extensive mold test done to determine if all my belongings are contaminated. I have a fitness center in my hom...