Toenail fungus is an infection whose treatment often represents a challenge. Although there are different drugs, topical formulas, and natural remedies that help promote relief, restoring the healthy appearance of the nail takes time. If you’re looking for how to eliminate toenail fungus, stick ...
If the infection is deep and you’ve had it for a while, your doctor may want to remove all or part of your nail. Your nail can be removed surgically or nonsurgically. For nonsurgical treatment, your doctor will puturea ointment on the infected nail surface and wrap the nail in plastic...
Fungal infection of the toenail is called onychomycosis.The affected toenail might have white patches, change to a brown or yellowish color and begin to flake, chip or thicken.Toenail fungus can lead to onycholysis, which is the separation of the infected nail from the nail bed.Physicians often...
These antifungal medications allow the new nail to grow free of the infection, and so the results are only seen once a completely health nail has grown in. Surgery as a cure for toenail fungus is the most invasive option, because during the procedure the nail is completely removed and the ...
作者: KE Thai 摘要: Fungal infection accounts for about half of all nail abnormalities. Differential diagnoses include psoriasis, lichen planus and Pseudomonas infection. Treatment usually requires long-term continuous or pulsed antifungal therapy. 年份: 2014 收藏...
Many people consulting dermatologists for nail problems have a fungal nail infection (onychomycosis). This may be asymptomatic and not merit prolonged treatment, particularly since relapse after such intervention is common. On the other hand, fungal nail infection is sometimes a treatable risk factor ...
Nail removal or trimming. Cutting back the thick toenail or even completely removing it can improve the medication’s effect on the fungal infection. Your doctor or podiatrist (foot specialist) should do the cutting in order to prevent injury or a bacterial infection. Doctors will sometimes perman...
it may indicate an infection. Bacterial or fungal infections can cause the nail to become discolored, thickened, and emit a foul odor. If left untreated, these infections can spread and require medical intervention. Overall, it is important to pay attention to the health of your nails as they...
Nail fungus, which is more commonly referred to as onychomycosis in the medical field, is considered to be a very stubborn fungal infection that can last for many years if it is left untreated. While the symptoms of nail fungus are not going to be very hard for you to detect, it means...
Anal eczema is an inflammatory disease that can be treated with steroids or other anti-itch ointments or creams.Anal eczema is likely to have an underlying or secondary disease. Since the skin on the butt is more sensitive, the pain and itchiness can be more severe than other kinds of eczem...