Nummular eczema usually consists of round patches of vesicular, oozing or crusting dermatitis over the extremities. Drugs and disease can produce such eczema. Withdrawing offending drugs and treating underlying disease are often the first steps in management. Also, local steroid creams, antihistamines,...
dairy products, wheat, and other grains. Foods that can cause inflammation should be avoided as well, such as sugarand processed foods. Individuals suffering from nummular eczema are recommended to take nutritionalsupplements, such asfish oil, flavonoids...
Turns out, there are seven different types of eczema. These include, per theNational Eczema Association: Atopic dermatitis Contact dermatitis Neurodermatitis Dyshidrotic eczema Nummular eczema Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) Stasis dermatitis Each type of eczema can have a different cause and may look di...