Insomnia often goes hand-in-handwith depression and anxiety. Sleep that’s deterred by anxiousness can often worsen because the inability to sleep itself becomes a point of anxiety. If you’re having trouble getting to sleep, sleep too much, or wake up feeling anxious, see what reso...
Insomnia/Hyposomnia, migraines, psychical pain in different areas of the body, Sexual dysfunction, high blood pressure, gut biome issues, other gastric issues, overeating and not eating enough to nourish your body, and even skin outbreaks. Spiritual aspect Neglecting your belief system, losing your...
Say your post is called “12 Ways to Cure Insomnia” and you have a subhead for each of the 12 ways. You’ll want those subheads to follow a consistent format. Let’s say your first few subheads read as follows: Exercise Every Morning Avoid Caffeine Like the Plague Wake Up at the ...
It's amazing what us addicts will do to ourselves. I was snorting Oxy's for a couple of years, went through a cold turkey detox program, for both the opiates and ativan. The amazing thing, in retrospect, is that the benzos were what really kicked my butt with the insomnia. But, ...
So many people lie awake worrying about how many hours they'll sleep and whether it will be 'enough'. There's no better recipe forinsomniathan this. Relax - we can all get by on less sleep for a while. Sure, sleep is vital for healthy immune function, metabolism, physical and mental...
Apply this on your facial skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse it off using warm water. Last, splash some cold water onto your facial skin. Apply this face mask 1 time per week to get beautiful skin. Learn More:23 Tips How to Get Rid of Chicken Pox Scars on Face Fast, Naturally in a...
13% of the American population (12 and over) uses some sort of antidepressant(source) An American commits suicideevery 12.3 minutes 30.6% of men will suffer from a period of depressionin their life. Suicide is the second leading cause of deathfor individuals ages 44 and under ...
children, their causes vary as well. Stress can cause nightmares, which can lead to night terrors. Bedwetting can be caused by a family history of bedwetting, low bladder control, or emotional distress, among other causes. Insomnia in children may be caused by stress, pain, or mental ...
6. How To Treat PMS – Get Proper Sleep Insomnia can make your daily life miserable. This will take a huge toll on the symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual syndrome). It results in irritation and fatigue. It’s always wise to get proper sound sleep, particularly during this phase to stay away...
To get our internal clock back on track, we need to spend 15-30 minutes in bright sunlight early in the morning. Inone study, workers who got regular sunlight tended to be more physically active during the day and got more sleep at night. They were also found to be generally happier and...