So, choices are based on patient's age, family history, drug tolerance, side effects and past response to antidepressants. On the next page, we'll look at the role of antidepressants in MDD treatment. Depression Treatment There is no cure for MDD, so doctors must manage their patients ...
In the US, the safety problem was thoroughly explored in a 1910 reportWork-Accidents and the Law,by Crystal Eastman (who would go on to become a suffragist and a co-founder of the ACLU). The book-length report was a systematic survey of every fatality and hospitalization in Allegheny Count...
If I am able to scan memory of other applications every 2-15 seconds I could prevent a packetlogger from logging packets by banning the user from my program. An excellent example where the cure is worse than the illness; memory sniffer better than packet sniffer . Besides, performance will ...
a deep dive into how one’s personality can be subverted by negative influence – and how even finding success on one’s own terms isn’t the cure-all it first seemed. In “Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1,” the lead character Pink begins to see everyone around him...
Each mail may only be less than 100 KB in size, but over a period of several months, these mails can together consume hundreds of MBs or even GBs of space. This usually happens for customers who use the Spam quarantine feature, and forgets about it. For these customers we recommendautomat...
(Managing Editor's Note: Below is the 7 part series in full for you to share, FB, Tweet. Thank you.) By Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill 1. The Wrong Narrative. Polio is the iconic epidemic, its conquest one of medicine’s heroic...
Onco-theranostic strategies are making a comeback in AML but will probably not be sufficient to obtain a definitive cure. Future associations with immune-oncologic strategies could be an interesting option to get the best out of these treatments. Funding: This research received no external funding....
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