Ich will affix itself to any part of the goldfish’s body, save the eyes, and continue to multiply with time. Image by: Ammit Jack, Shutterstock If left untreated,the goldfish can die.This is because this creepy creature does considerable damage to the gill tissues of the fish, suffocating...
Is your fish covered in white spots? It might be Ich, a nasty disease that can be fatal if left untreated. Today, I’ll guide you through identifying and treating Ich to save your fish’s life.Ich, short for Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, is a common aquarium disease caused by parasites...
Many things can go wrong to make your fish die immediately after a water change. Preventative measures like sticking to proper water change procedures remain the best solution to keeping your fish alive. But a few quick actions can also be taken to help save your fish once you notice the dy...
How long it takes for this to happen, though, can depend on a number of factors, including the species of fish, the pathogen, and the water conditions both are living in. For instance, at temperature of 75° to 79°F, the life cycle of the parasite that causes ich is about 48 ...
Once the Marine Ich Trophonts are fattened up, they leave the fish as a protomont. Protomonts lose their ability to swim, fall to the bottom of the tank and in a few hours become a tomont. The parasite becomes a hardened cyst, like an ich egg, waiting to hatch. The tomont is a...
Image: Arina P Habich/Shutterstock Colorful Decorative Pumpkins ‘Jarrahdale’has blue-green skin and makes for great decorations. ‘Pepitas Pumpkin’is orange and green. ‘Super Moon’is a large white pumpkin. Harvesting Your best bet is to harvest pumpkins when they are fully mature—and not...
ich weisse nicht Posted on March 18, 2009 by Clara Chen 似乎每一种语言都有某些词组句子特别容易掌握,当然,有人对粗言研究的比较深。而我,首当其冲学会的是:我不知道;I don’t know;ich weisse nicht。 这个世界太大,我要懂的东西太多。 这个世界太复杂,我要担心的后果太错综。 请给我很多很多的信...
It’s going to sound strange, but chances are that you put the planaria in your aquarium yourself. You probably got them from your local fish store, who likely got them from one of their suppliers.Unfortunately, no one is to blame – dealing with planaria is just a part of fishkeeping...
If you suspect your fish has Ich, it’s best to refer to a vet before resorting to a salt soak. This is true no matter what the aquarium salt is.Using aqua salt to cure Ichwill only work if the illness is in its early stages. As the disease progresses, the chances of healing with...
15、ich is an almost indispensable fine variety in pet fish marke t.2. It is easy to grow fas ter, it is adap table to the environmen t and easy to be raised, while the market price is lower than that of other turtles. Compared with the Brazilian tortoise, tortoise, yellow laryngeal...