Just how sensitive you are to lactose, and how well you tolerate dairy products, depends on just how much lactase enzyme your digestive system is still producing. Some adults can drink a glass of milk without any obvious side effects. Others may be able to have half a glass without discomfo...
Don’t Hold Your Farts In January 27, 2021 It’s Always Darkest Before Dawn January 26, 2021 Do You Accept? January 25, 2021 Be Egoistic January 23, 2021 How to Fail Often And Fast January 22, 2021 Getting Bad Notes January 21, 2021 How Is Your Digestion? January 20, 20...
This might be contrary to what you have heard. It is a common thing to talk about how the belching or farts of cows is just methane and how bad of a greenhouse gas that is. It is true, but that is because it is unburnt. Methane in the atmosphere is a real powerful greenhouse gas...
20. Farts and Namaste In this extra-extended, robot-charged episode, we make with the Mecha! As always, we start with a kidney-pleasing pre-show stretch before powering up our podcasting exoskeletons. How does the Electric Company generate all that energy? Who is the mystery woman William’...
We take a look at the what, how and why of "earworms," and ask, "Is there a cure?" SEE ALSO:The science behind brain farts Can you get a stubborn song "unstuck" from your brain? Find out below. What is an earworm? An "earworm" is the common term for having a tune, or part...
I have to look at the blue LED to be able to tell if it's on or off. jczubach macrumors 6502 May 15, 2007 385 0 northwest Aug 22, 2007 #30 Mine is so quiet, i get startled when my mouse farts Father Jack macrumors 68020 Jan 1, 2007 2,481 1 Ireland Aug 22, 2007 #...
Culture War is Class War disguised. The Wealthy Elite--the "Filthy Rich"--foment Culture War in society to distract and cover their real economic motives. Culture War, Class War explores the resulting cultural divide--how it was instigated and kept alive
BananaBread- Port of the Cube 2/Sauerbraten 3D game engine/first person shooter to the web, compiling C++ and OpenGL to JavaScript and WebGL using Emscripten.Play it now! RPG Diablo JS- Isometric minimal-code style game at html5 canvas and javascript.Play it now!