Being kind is an important manner of bringing meaning to our own life and others’ life. Being kind let us communicate better with other people, to be more self-compassionate, and to become a positive force in the life of people around. It is shown that once people get into the loop of...
©2006 Publications International, Ltd. An allergy to eye makeup may cause blepharitis. Sometimes even the best prevention efforts can't stop a problem from cropping up. The following are some of the most common eye problems, how to recognize them, how to deal with them, and how to keep...
If you have swelling, redness, and watery eyes without a lump, it's more likely that you have conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Whereas if you have a hard lump that isn't very painful, it's more likely to be a chalazion rather than a stye—more on that in a moment!³ The types of ...
What can cause the gall bladder to get hard? What is the average age for getting kidney stones? How are floaters different from posterior vitreous detachment? What causes squamous blepharitis? Is spitting common in Rett syndrome? Does Barrett's esophagus affect the pharynx?Explore...
Blepharitis. Inflamed eyelids are called blepharitis. This often happens because the tiny oil glands at the bottom of your eyelashes become clogged. This leads to red, irritated, and itchy eyelids. Your eyelashes may have dandruff-like flakes and crust. Uveitis. This condition occurs when the mid...
Does stress cause blepharitis? Topical retinoids have what effects in acne? What is the prognosis for acne vulgaris? How does chronic stress impact the epidermis? What causes shoulder acne? What four factors are involved in the pathogenesis of acne? How can chronic stress affect the body? Does...
Wellness Sleepmaxxing May Do You More Harm Than Good The Exact Number of Steps to Walk to Live Longer 14 Sleep Hacks Successful People Always Follow Could This Vitamin Lower Your Dementia Risk?
These devices allow patients or caregivers to more conveniently self-inject the medicine at home or if traveling. Many patients prefer autoinjectors over syringes as they are easier to use and may cause less hesitation or fear. Your healthcare provider can teach you how to use this device if ...
If you have an eyelid condition such as blepharitis and Meibomian gland dysfunction, get it treated to heal your dry eyes. Discontinue or reduce your use of contact lenses if it is associated with dryness in your eyes. You can also consider acupuncture therapy to deal with dry eye symptoms....
How is blepharitis caused? How are kidney stones removed from the bladder? How is angular blepharitis treated? Is ulcerative colitis an inflammatory bowel disease? Are skin diseases related to constipation? How do dermatologists treat rosacea? How do you prevent pancreatitis? How do you cure prosta...