"Hello, I have been looking everywhere for an asthma cure like Asthma Free Forever - something that would do what it said it would. I had wasted countless money on the so called asthma remedies before, but in vain, so I had to congratulate the author of this remedy for making it availa...
A dry cough is one that doesn't produce mucus or phlegm. It may occur when you have conditions such as the cold or flu or more serious conditions like asthma, pneumonia, heart failure, tuberculosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ...
different types of cough Croup cough Wet cough asthma Dry cough Whooping cough Symptoms of Cough coughing is a symptom Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: It is important to note that a cough could be an early indicator of you developing an illness, or it could be a sign that you ...
They begin generally prior to adolescence (9-10 years old) when the adrenal glands start generating DHEAS (dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate), an androgen. Androgens are so called "male" hormones, though they are produced by a woman's body as well. Other "male" hormones are dehydrotestosterone (...
These lung function tests are commonly used to diagnose and monitor asthma: Spirometryis the most common. It's a simple, quick, and painless way to check your lungs and airways. You take a deep breath and exhale into a hose attached to a device called a spirometer. It records how much ...
Many diseases and conditions can symptoms of an acute or chronic cough. Signs and symptoms of an acute cough are chills, fever, body aches, sore throat, and headache while signs and symptoms of a chronic cough are chronic sinus infections, runny nose, o
may be a symptom of a range of conditions, includingallergies, flu, bronchitis, and asthma. Coughing at night can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, some of which are short-term and disappear within a week or two. In other cases, the causes of a nighttime cough can be long-...
We will explain some of the conditions and diseases that make breathing harder and cause the lungs to fail. We will also explain why you can't hold your breath for a long time and why you cough or hiccup. Contents How You Breathe Where the Air Goes Breathing and the Autonomic ...
Asthma is a medical condition in which the airways become narrow and swell. It usually makes breathing hard due to shortness of breath.Answer and Explanation: Common signs of a pneumothorax include chest pains, fatigue, and a dry cough. Pneumothorax has no permanent cure, but some medications ...
Serious will have asthma phenomenon.这时应吃一些温热、化痰止咳的食品。Then should eat some warm, eliminating phlegm to cough food. 一、寒咳治疗:当以发散风寒,宣肺止咳为治。A, cold cough treatment: when in divergent chill, xuan lung cough for cure.重要的是能促进排出气管内之痰,和减少气管内的...