使用CTRL + HOME 和 CTRL + END 鍵分別將插入點移到檔案的開頭或結尾。 使用CTRL + 向上鍵和 CTRL + 向下鍵可不需移動插入點便可捲動檢視。 使用[向後巡覽] 按鈕可在使用中文件內將插入點移至先前的位置,而 [向前巡覽] 按鈕則可返回最近的位置。
Press Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys to instantly rotate your screen Use different arrow keys for different orientations: Ctrl + Alt + ↑ = Normal landscape view Ctrl + Alt + → = Rotate screen 90 degrees right Ctrl + Alt + ← = Rotate screen 90 degrees left Ctrl + Alt + ↓ = Flip scre...
Move the cursor where you want to insert the text. Pressctrl + v. How do you copy and paste with the touchpad? For those of you who prefer to use the touchpad over keyboard shortcuts, you can also copy and paste by tapping the touchpad with two fingers and selecting an option from ...
For those using a Syrotech router to power their home wireless network and looking to delve into the router settings, you’ve found the right resource. This article is designed to guide you through accessing your Syrotech router’s settings correctly. We’ll not only walk you through the login...
HomeAlt+H All appsAlt+A All devicesAlt+D Downloads & updatesAlt+U Send feedbackAlt+F My profileAlt+P SettingsAlt+T Device tileRenameF2 RemoveCtrl+D or Delete Check accessCtrl+M or F9 Device detailsRenameF2 RemoveCtrl+D or Delete
You can copy and paste to quickly add checkboxes to multiple rows. Select a cell with a checkbox, press “Ctrl + C” to copy, select the range of cells where you want to paste the checkbox control, and press “Ctrl + V.” Ensure each checkbox control is correctly linked to its corres...
Alternatively, you can get your file back by pressing Ctrl + Z just after you delete it.Was This Page Helpful?Updated by Cedric Cedric Grantham is a senior editor and data recovery specialist of EaseUS. He mainly writes articles and how-to tips about data recovery on PC and Mac. He ...
Log in to your iCloud account then go to “Contacts”. Select contacts while holding Ctrl or Command key. Click on the “Export vCard”. The contacts selected would then be downloaded to your computer. Plugin your Android phone and copy those contacts to it. Go to the “Contacts” app ...
Start Windows Explorer. To do so, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer. Select multiple files in a folder. To do so, press and hold down the CTRL key while you are clicking files. ...
Step 2:Press "CTRL + C". Step 3:In the Home tab, click "PasteSpecial" from the drop down menu. Microsoft Excel Paste special Step 4:Now, choose "Values", and click "OK". Microsoft Excel paste values only Compress Pictures in Excel: ...