remained neutral until 1941, the military was still taking measures to train and plan for mobilization. FDR in 1939 proposed the Cash and Carry policy, which replaced the 1936 Neutrality Acts and allowed the sale of military technology and materials to nations at war. [Pictured: German soldiers...
remained neutral until 1941, the military was still taking measures to train and plan for mobilization. FDR in 1939 proposed the Cash and Carry policy, which replaced the 1936 Neutrality Acts and allowed the sale of military technology and materials to nations at war. [Pictured: German soldiers...
HCHoofdconducteur(guard on Dutch train) HCHazardous Constituent HCHexachloroethane-Zinc(white smoke grenade) HCHero Camp HCHigh Coupling HCHuman Click HCHandicap/Handicapped HCHand Cancel HCHand Cannon HCHandicapable HCHearing Concern HCHorizontally Challenged ...
CRIS Commander's Resource Integration System (USAF) CRIS Communications Resource Information Sharing CRIS Calibration Recall and Information System (NASA) CRIS Cross-Track Infrared Sensor CRIS Champus Regional Intermediary System CRIS Calibration Recall Inventory System CRIS Command Resource Information System ...
GRGrosseto, Toscana(Italian province) GRGerry Rafferty(musician) GRGateway Router GRGlory Road(movie) GRGeislavarnir Ríkisins(Icelandic radiation safety authority) GRGraduated Response(US DoD) GRGovernment Resolution GRGirls Rule GRGrashof Number ...
TSSTest Support Squadron(USAF) TSSTear Staining Syndrome(dogs) TSSTrunk Servicing System(Bellcore) TSSTest Suite Specification TSSTurbine Speed Sensor TSSTaylor Scheduling Software(Canada) TSSTransported Stock Statement(Australia) TSSTidewater Soaring Society(Garner Airport, Isle of Wight, VA) ...
and I’ll add it if it’s not some wehraboo fantasy. You add on top of this that these complicated and hard-to-use tanks were crewed by very poorly trained crews by 1944. The Germans rarely had the fuel to train crews when they had the tim...
TOCTrain Operating Company(UK railroads) TOCThe Otomotive College(Malaysia) TOCTime Out Chicago(magazine; Chicago, IL) TOCTaste of Chaos(band) TOCTruth or Consequences TOCThe Ottawa Citizen(Ottawa, Canada) TOCThe Odd Couple(Neil Simon play) ...
HCHoofdconducteur(guard on Dutch train) HCHazardous Constituent HCHexachloroethane-Zinc(white smoke grenade) HCHero Camp HCHigh Coupling HCHuman Click HCHandicap/Handicapped HCHand Cancel HCHand Cannon HCHandicapable HCHearing Concern HCHorizontally Challenged ...
HCHoofdconducteur(guardonDutchtrain) HCHazardousConstituent HCHexachloroethane-Zinc(whitesmokegrenade) HCHeroCamp HCHighCoupling HCHumanClick HCHandicap/Handicapped HCHandCancel HCHandCannon HCHandicapable HCHearingConcern HCHorizontallyChallenged HCHorsd'Commerce(French:notfortrade) ...