the lower quality parts don’t have this. The image of the sectioned crimps shown make this obvious, but to determine this when not sectioned, look down the barrel of the crimp from the wire entry end. You will see metal to almost the end of the crimp in a...
HT-94 (AWG 22-32): This is the most peculiar crimp tool of the lot. It contains exactly the same dies as the HT-95 but a very different locator which bends an offset into the contact while crimping, allowing crimped contacts to be stacked on top of one another. I am uncertain as t...
Here’s the trick for doing that: There is no trick. It takes brute fucking strength. You have to get down into a squat position, crimp the sides of the barrel with your climber-honed grip, and deadlift/spin the barrel in one quick Russian-caliber clean and jerk. It took every bit o...
Next grind down the portion of rib that is glued to the baseplate so that it will form a sloped line going from the ½” tall height of the rib to the center ¼” tall strip (editor’s note: its easier to layout the rib patterns with this slope in mind and save the grinding)....