Credit cards can be an essential financial tool, whether you use it to pay for everyday expenses or help finance bigger one-time purchases. If you've decided to get a new credit card, follow these steps on how to open one today. ...
Credit cards. They’re the go-to choice for millions of consumer purchases, but we also have a love/hate relationship with them. Credit cards can be a tool that helps you stay on top of your money, but they also come with a downside—particularly high interest rate charges if you carry...
Here’s a look at one of the most important elements of your financial identity and what you can do to take charge of it. What is a credit report? Your credit report is a collection of information about your loans, credit cards, and other payments (such as utilities) and how you handl...
You can learn how to locate transactions, payments, your credit score, and more. Using a Discover® credit card statement, we’ll also help you decode the terminology, numbers, and interest rates that make up your statement. While not all statements look the same, most include basics like...
Your credit score is influenced by several factors — and you often don’t need a traditional credit card to build strong credit. The main factors that impact your credit include: How long you’ve had credit: The age of your oldest and newest accounts and the average age of all your acco...
If you see an error on your credit card bill, chances are it’s just a mistake. Cases of fraud—when someone steals your card number and makes unauthorized charges—are far less common than simple human error. Still, if you wait too long to file a dispute, you could be on the hook...
Choose a bank 选择银行 In China, not all banks are suitable for foreigners to apply for debit or credit cards. Therefore, when opening an account, it is recommended to choose a large bank with more outlets and ...
Letters of credit, also known as documentary credits act like promissory notes. It’s a written promise or a financial document to pay a certain amount of money at a specific time in the future issued by a financial institution on behalf of the buyer. The importer’s bank undertakes t...
Credit cards are a way of borrowing money for short periods of time. Since you're charged interest on the amount you owe, it's important to pay off your credit card every month.
Credit is also used as shorthand to describe the financial soundness of businesses or individuals. Someone who has good or excellent credit is considered less of a risk to lenders than someone with bad or poor credit. Credit scoresare one way that individuals are classified in terms of risk, ...