Want to learn how to build a video transcoding workflow using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch in 10 minutes? Learn how to create a serverless workflow that performs video transcoding using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch in 10 minutes.
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/pipeline-for-hardening-eks-nodes-and-automating-updates.git Step 2: Create the CloudFormation stack In this step, deploy the solution’s resources by creating aCloudFormation stackusing the providedCloudFormation template. Sign in to your accoun...
. To create an Elemental Live workflow, you create an event. Broadly speaking this event contains two sets of configuration information: A list of inputs (sources) and information about how to ingest those sources. A list of output groups that specifying packaging and encoding information. ...
" examples inWhat is the AWS Flow Framework for Java?introduced the basics of how to use the AWS Flow Framework to implement basic workflow applications. This section provides conceptual information about how AWS Flow Framework applications work. The first section summarizes the basic structure of ...
Walt Disney famously said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” With that spirit of ambition, let’s explore how to create a successful mobile app. Get this – there are nearly2 million appsin the Apple App Store and almost3 millionin Google Play. ...
The best way to understand responsibilities or key tech-stacks for any job role is by going through the job descriptions of that role. Here are the DevOps engineer job descriptions of the 5 companies that will help understand what you need to be a DevOps engineer: AWS DevOps Engineer, Tat...
Amazon cloud skills are in high demand. This easy, step-by-step guide will help start you on your path to cloud mastery
Alternatively, we can use theCLIto create the workspace viaanyscale workspace create ... Other (cloud platforms, K8s, on-prem) If you don't want to do this course locally or via Anyscale, you have the following options: OnAWS and GCP. Community-supported Azure and Aliyun integrations also...
Storage section in thevalues.yamlfile to configure the Helm Chart: global:...artifactory:...serviceAccount:create:trueannotations:eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn:arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<ROLE_NAME>automountServiceAccountToken:trueartifactory:license:secret:artifactory-licensesdataKey:artifactory.clus...
It’s important to analyze your business and tech requirements and single out business-critical and secondary features. If your business-critical features don’t match the capabilities of a platform-based solution, create a custom workflow that precisely matches your business needs. And then choose ...