I have a VSAM data set called VSAM1 I want to have it have another name (alias) called VSAMTST So if a user has NAME=VSAM1 or NAME=VSAMTST Both HLQs will be I the same usercat It all accesses the same VSAM dataset VSAM1 What is the best way to do that? Thank you. --- ...
When modifying an Alternate Index File (AIX), you may receive an "Invalid record length" error when the Index is defined not to accept duplicate keys. This error may occur because the INDEX of the Alternate Index VSAM file is not large enough to hold multiple key values for the same...
Ram *createRam(){cout << ”this pc ram...“<return new pcRam();}Cpu *createCpu(){cout << ”this pc cpu...“<return new pcCpu();}};class macFactory:public Factory{public:Ram *createRam(){cout << ”this mac ram...“<return new macRam();}Cpu *createCpu(){cout << ”this...
Procedure: How to Create the Server Installation Parameters File Use a text editor to create a file with the following syntax to specify your server's installation parameters: -inst -license nnn-nnn-nnnn -edahome drive:\ibi\srv53\home -edaconf drive:\ibi\srv53\servertype -port portnum -...
60 Should I take a stand-alone dump to DASD or to tape?...60 Can I use my current version of the stand-alone dump program to dump a new version of z/OS?.. 63 Creating the stand-alone dump program...63 MNOTES
Step 1: Create a connection to the mainframe as the data source with the hostname or IP address and TCP port. If running Qlik Replicate server on an Amazon EC2 instance, ensure the DB2 ODBC driver is configured and the port is open. Step 2: Create a connection to the target data store...
The terminal emulator you are using is most likely emulating a 3270 terminal, these did not have a mouse. You might be able to create hot spots on the screen that you can click on to generate a PF7 or PF8 key press. Read the documents for your terminal emulator. ...
JCL & VSAM: Hi guys.. I already create JCL FTP to ftp dataset from mainframe to PC.. But, i stuck to specify the directory on...
File AID IEBCOPY IEBGENER IEFBR14 QMF SDF SuperCE VSAM Web Workday Workday Tutorials Tag: Jquery August 4, 2012 jQuery Code: show character count in text area when user enters the text By admin JQuery 2 Comments Here is the jQuery code to show the character count when...
Interview & Career Tips Get invaluable Interview and Career Tips delivered directly to your inbox. Get your news alert set up today, Once you confirm your Email subscription, you will be able to download Job Inteview Questions Ebook . Please contact me if you there is any issue with the down...