If you've ever wanted to create your own font, in this article you'll learn how to make your own fonts from scratch. Let's go!
1. 下载字体 (Download the Font) 首先,下载所需的字体文件,通常为 .ttf 或 .otf 格式。 2. 创建字体目录 (Create a Font Directory) 打开终端,输入以下命令创建一个字体目录(如果还没有的话): mkdir-p ~/.fonts 3. 移动字体文件 (Move the Font File) 将下载的字体文件移动到新创建的字体目录中,可以...
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>,DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC,PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD,http://www.w3.org/2000/svgandDTD SVG 1. Such files are related tologo,icon,skype,breadboard,icons,diagram,regular,webfontandimage. 1% of all SVG files use the same file format, which have the signatureCD ...