there are a few options in the command line. One of them isTTR. It stands forTan Tan Radius, which is short forTangent Tangent Radius. When we use this option, the command will ask you to click a point on two different
4. Create a spline using the CV method (spline m CV) snapping the first CV to the tangent point and the second CV to the other end of the line. The additional CV points can be anywhere. The first two CV points define the slope of the curve and the instantaneous radius of curvature ...
Scale: This setting defaults to 1:4, which is suitable for your purposes if you started from the sample drawing. Visibility, or Edge Visibility: This setting specifies how to display edges that are formed where tangent surfaces meet. The normal pract...
The best way for you to learn those is to work through the tutorials. I can share some tips related to this drawing: Notice that the alignment in my drawing has curves at the corners. Corridors don't deal with tangent intersections very well, so you're better off with small curves. ...
Drawing Options Display Modes Tangent Edge File Locations Line Styles and Thickness Detailing options Dimensioning Standard Font Arrows Line Font DXF/DWG Import Edit Sheet/Edit Sheet Format Note Link to Property Custom Property Additional information on SolidWorks tools and other commands are found in th...