To demonstrate these two approaches, we will create components which will allow us to open Account Record from Contact View in a subtab. Implementation Solution #1 For this solution we will first need a LWC and then Lightning Component which will perform the opening of a record in a new s...
tab.column(i).for_read := false; tab.column(i).pass_through := false; end if; end loop; return dbms_tf.describe_t (); end describe; end except_cols_pkg; / To use this you need to define the PTF itself. This can be in the package or a standalone function like this: Copy co...
Local$hEditNewText=GUICtrlCreateEdit("This is a test"&@CRLF&"Another Line",8,500,715,100,$ES_WANTRETURN+$WS_VSCROLL+$ES_AUTOVSCROLL+$ES_MULTILINE+$WS_TABSTOP) My question stands. How to change the STYLE of an EDIT control?
But up to now I was not succesful to configure the NWDS with any plugins (one of the problems: I did only find Eclipse 1.3 plugins which seems to be incompatible with NWDS basing on old ecplise 1.2) or setup NWDS-projects to get the old quality of JBuilder-development. So is there an...