選取包含 Azure Synapse 工作區的訂用帳戶。 建立 Azure Synapse 工作區私人端點的 [資源類型] 是 Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces。選取您的 Azure Synapse 工作區作為資源。 每個 Azure Synapse 工作區都有三個您可以建立私人端點的目標子資源:Sql、SqlOnDemand 和 Dev。
本文介绍如何为 Azure Synapse 工作区创建专用终结点。 有关详细信息,请参阅专用链接和专用终结点。步骤1:注册网络资源提供程序请在托管 Azure Synapse 工作区的订阅中注册网络资源提供程序(如果尚未这样做)。 通过注册资源提供程序来配置订阅,以供资源提供程序使用。
選取[資源] 索引標籤中的 [連線到我目錄中的 Azure 資源]。選取包含 Azure Synapse 工作區的訂用帳戶。 建立 Azure Synapse 工作區私人端點的 [資源類型] 是 Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces。選取您的 Azure Synapse 工作區作為資源。 每個 Azure Synapse 工作區都有三個您可以建立私人端點的目標子資...
您可以使用 Azure 入口網站,以互動方式在 Azure 訂閱中建立 Synapse Analytics 工作區,或使用 Azure PowerShell、Azure 命令列介面 (CLI),或使用 Azure Resource Manager 或 Bicep 範本自動化部署。 建立Synapse Analytics 工作區之後,您可以管理工作區中的服務,並使用Synapse Studio(Azure Synapse Analytics 的 Web 型...
Setting Up Your Azure Environment Creating an Azure account 1. Visit the Azure portal The first thing you’ll need to do is visit the Azure Portal. 2. Sign up Since this is the first time accessing the portal, you will need to create an Azure account. It’s worth noting that you can...
The first step is to create your Microsoft account and activate Azure. This is your gateway to exploring and using what Azure has to offer. Setting up an Azure Storage account To get started with Azure, just like any other online service, the first thing is creating an account and signing...
Another important step is to enable your Azure SQL Managed Instance to write data into your One Lake. You should find the name of your Managed Instance – for example, “my-AzSQL-mi”. Then you should go to your Fabric Workspace, choose “Manage access” option and add this name a...
Azure Data Factory and Synapse Analytics Pipelines have a wealth oflinked service connection typesthat allow them to connect and interact with many services and data stores. The Workspace UI provides the most important properties that are needed for the connection. However, at time...
Azure Synapse Analytics comes with built-in data integration capabilities enabling you to orchestrate continuous data pipelines in a low-code experience.
@Jackson123 never used it but are you trying to use Azure Synapse SQL connector or workspace connector, here is the info on workspace Power Query Azure Synapse Analytics workspace connector - Power Query | Microsoft Docs and here on SQL Power Query Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL D...