How to Set a Status Duration in Microsoft Teams on Android or iPhone Unfortunately, the Microsoft Teams app on mobile devices doesn’t allow you to set a custom status timeout. If you prefer to use the Microsoft Teams app on your mobile device, you’ll need to manually update your status...
Available:(The green circle) is the default status when you are logged in to Teams and are not in a meeting or call. If you lock your device or are idle for a long time, Teams will automatically change your status to "Away." If you're using Teams on a phone or tablet, Teams will...
This post will show you how toSet the Time duration for Status in Teams. Microsoft Teams is an online workspace that allows people to hold meetings, share ideas and content. Teams allows users to set statuses to let others know what they’re up to. It also offers a feature to set a ...
In Windows, selectStart >Microsoft Teams . On Mac, open theApplicationsfolder and selectMicrosoft Teams . On the web, go to Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password. Notes: Teams is part of Microsoft 365, so you need a Microsoft 365 Apps for busin...
How to set an out of office message in Teams (365 version) Bad news: if you're using Teams 365 (i.e., the free cloud version), you can't set an out of office message. What you can do is set a status message, which is close enough (kind of). Click your profile icon, and...
Enter your status message, turn on "Show When People Message Me," set a time for the status message to end, then click "Done." Your message will now display whenever anyone messages or mentions you. This will be shown regardless of your Microsoft Teams status and will display (in Microsof...
Not anymore; Teams now allows users to schedule an Out-of-office status. Doing so will let your teammates know you’re unavailable or on vacation. How to set up a scheduled Out of Office status in Teams There are two ways to set up a scheduled Out-of-office status in Microsoft Teams:...
How to set your Out of Office status in Microsoft Teams There are now two ways to access the Out of Office setting: 1. Access the Out of Office setting through the “Set status message” panel accessible from the user profile image. ...
How to manage teams in a world designed for individuals … People in organisations have always worked in concert with others. But the emphasis on teams is growing, for a variety of reasons. Technology has made the sharing...
Sign in to yourMUOaccount fizkes/Shutterstock / Microsoft Summary You can set an Out of Office (OOO) status in the Microsoft Teams desktop app, but things aren't so easy on mobile. Create an OOO message, set automatic replies, and specify dates for duration when you add your status. ...