Once you've decided how users are going to interact with your app, it's time to build the web services to power it. Depending on what you're creating, Teams provides various SDKs, templates, code samples, and generators to help you get started, including:...
Finally, I decided to create an Android Studio plugin to parse that console output to some human-friendly format with the list of requests, the JSON trees, the human-readable headers, etc. OkHttpProfiler So this was an idea of theOkHttpProfilerplugin, and now I am ...
We create or start a new project in android studio to create a new Mobile Application for Android. To create a new project we need to enter the Application name, Company Domain, choose Phone and Tablet, fill Minimum SDK, Activity details and Activity Name & Layout Name in the text box. ...
This article comes across as a complete guide on how to format Android phone using three different methods.
Now the problem is the android studio has downloaded android SDK 4.2.3 by default in D drive while my other previous sdks are in C drive C:\NV_ANDROIDPACK\android-sdk-windows\platforms. Now i am trying to run android studio with my previous list of sdks and devices....
Install Android Studio Run Android Studio setup. Click Next. While choosing the components, make sure that theAndroid Virtual Deviceoption has a tick. Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. Create and Install Android TV using Virtual Device Manager ...
Signing Credentials (seeSigning Secure Android appsandSigning Secure iOS apps) How to Implement Detect KernelSU in Android Apps Using Appdome On Appdome, follow these3 simple stepsto create self-defending Android Apps thatDetect KernelSUwithout an SDK or gateway: ...
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> Create a Client ConnectionAzure Mobile Apps provides four functions to your mobile application:Data Access and Offline Synchronization with an Azure Mobile Apps Service. Call Custom APIs written with the Azure Mobile Apps...
Android 4.0.3: You also need Android SDK Platform API 15, Revision 3 or higher in order to test OpenGL ES 2.0 based code on the emulator. So make sure that you’ve upgraded to at least Android 4.0.3, which is API 15. You emulator used for testing AndEngine code should be using Andr...
Use Apple MapKit for iOS instead of the Google Maps SDK to display the location on a map. While both are 100% correct, they differ in terms of data quality, routes, augmented reality, offline maps, and privacy. Android devices may be located using the Google Location Services API. It use...