In this situation, employees of the buyer (i.e., the service organization) watch and experience how the supplier's employees create and deliver the service, encouraging them to use evidence-based decision-making. Additionally, a high level of relationship management could mean a high level of ...
We believe that the currently employed variety of attempts may be condensed to fewer strategies such as film-based evaluation, which will create a path to address the SWS issue and achieve sustainable solar hydrogen generation. Keywords: solar energy; photocatalytic water splitting; hydrogen production...
Therefore, management prefers to decrease the number of employees and create pressure on the existing employees, like: more hours/working day, low wages, or accent on part-time contracts. In Romania, the Ministry of Labor have registered 1,078,033 part-time contracts at the end of January ...
Table 1. Matrix for the assessment of tree species suitability for the classes 'very suitable', 'suitable', and 'possible growth'. The attributes 'competition strength', 'soil protection', and 'performance' are assigned values from best (1) to poorest (3), and the attribute 'stability' ...