您可以使用$RPM_BUILD_ROOT代替%{buildroot},两者都可以使用。 您也可以使用rpmdev-newspec命令来创建 SPEC 文件。rpmdev-newspec 软件包名可以创建一个初始 SPEC 文件,该工具从软件包名判断使用哪个模板,支持指定模板。/etc/rpmdevtools/spectemplate-*.spec包含所有可用的模板,使用rpmdev-newspec --help命令了解更多...
我们建议使用%{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/子目录保存信息。例如, 当安装 eclipse 插件时,脚本需要在%{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/eclipse/创建一个文件。%posttrans运行脚本检查文件是否存在。如果存在,执行相应动作,并删除文件。这样,每次事务时脚本只执行一次操作。 在Fedora 中,我们要求%{_localstatedir}...
This article shows you how to package a script into an RPM file for easy installation, updating, and removal from your Linux systems. Before I jump into the details, I'll explain what an RPM package is, and how you can install, query, remove, and, most importantly, create one yourself....
This is a short hands-on tutorial on writing RPM files, showing how to quickly step up to create simple source and binary software packages. I assume familiarity with using pre-made RPM packages, and with the FOSS software building process. For a comprehensive information on how to create RPM...
How to create an rpm package 编程 html:lang属性设置为中文zh-CN ISO 639-1 国家/地区代码。ISO 639-1 语言代码。 前端 html HTML 报错Missing message: “menu.xxx“ for locale: “zh-CN“ React 注册模块报错Missing message: “menu.xxx” for locale: “zh-CN”, using default message as fa...
How to create a local rpm repository on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 UpdatedSeptember 16 2012 at 2:04 AM- English The following information has been provided by Red Hat, but is outside the scope of our posted Service Level Agreements ( https://www.redhat.com/support/service/sla/ ) and su...
Create the directory that will hold the repository: Raw # mkdir -p /var/www/html/repo There are two ways to create a repository: Move the rpms for the repository into the directory, then runcreaterepoagainst that: Raw # cp *.rpm /var/www/html/repo ...
Recently, I wrote aboutpackaging your own softwarewith Red Hat Package Manager (RPM). Another common scenario is that you find a piece of software you want to use, but there is no RPM for it. This article shows you how to create RPMs for third-party applications. ...
This was done by installing the source from rpm (which appears to just create a tar.gz file in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES). I untarred this file, edited the code I wanted to change, did a configure, make, make install etc. and ran some test code which works fine. ...
Therefore, we recommend that you monitor the disk performance of the logical disks that host a page file in correlation with these counters. A system that has a sustained 100 hard page faults per second experiences 400 KB per second disk transfers. Most 7,200-RPM disk drives can handle about...