SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity, ABAP Development If JWT stands for JSON Web Token, than there is no standard way to create a token via ABAP (as far as I know). but you are invited to write an Open Source solution for that 😉 Reply p244500 Active Contributor 2019 Jun 17...
In order to schedule our class as an application job we have to create a job catalog entry and a job template. And to be able to write the output of your class to an application log we also have to create an application log object if there is no existing application log object that s...
In this case where we want to create the custom entity in the SAP CP ABAP Environment System you have to run the class in the backend system where the RFC function module is being called since the structure BAPI_EPM_PRODUCT_HEADER is not available in the SAP...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development like data structures in i want to build the stackthe situation is like in the table vekp we will accpt exidv now for this exidv there are corresponding venum's in the vepo. now i want to display the all elements of venum. the venum can also conta...
Here we can see that MANDT domain is already created by SAP. Note:To add field into table first we require to create Data Element first. How to Create Data Element Two ways we can create Data Element First Method Step 1:Add Field name as Employee_id and Data element name as ZAK_Employ...
When an SAP instance is stopped by an external tool, cluster reacts to this situation and tries to start the SAP instance. Resolution To allow SAP admins to control SAP ABAP application server instances that are managed by an HA cluster using the RHEL HA Add-On using tools like SAP LaMa...
Create a package'ZDMO_RAP_GENERATOR'. Link this package with the URL of the RAP Generator repository Use the branchabap-environment. Pull changes. Use mass activation to activate the objects that have been imported in step 3. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) if we take the elements as A,X,Y,D,E,F,G,H,Z. A is parent node. X,Y are child nodes of A. D,E,F,are child nodes of X. G,H,Z,are child nodes of Y. the output will be like this ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP code to create and write to a file: Check whether file already exists OPEN DATASET g_out_file FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. File g_out_file already exists. Do not write to an existing file Error message STOP....
This example shows how to create a toolbar with a single Exit button, used to exit the program. Steps: Create a screen and add a custom container named TOOLBAR_CONTAINER Code: REPORT sapmz_hf_toolbar . TYPE-POOLS: icon. CLASS cls_event_handler DEFINITION DEFERRED. ...