Projectswithoutan editable.bibfile: When you first cite a reference contained in a linked reference manager, including Mendeley, Overleaf will create a.bibfile calledreferences.bib. You’ll see that file name used in the notification message displayed each time a new reference is added to it. ...
This article focuses on option 1,bulk importof references to create anon-editable.bibfile. To learn about importingindividual referencesintoeditable.bibfiles, seeConfiguring advanced reference search to use Papers. Importing Papers references into an Overleaf project ...
You can include the Paperpile generated BibTeX file in addition to existing BibTeX files in your project. Simply include multiple BibTeX files in your LaTeX document as\bibliography{references, other-references}. If you already have a BibTeX file in your Overleaf project, you can easily transfer...
To build the cross-reference table, Overleaf processed the source code of 9 TeX engines to extract the list of primitives supported by each one: that process produced 9 text files (1 file per TeX engine). Those 9 sets of primitives were combined to create a “master list” which was, in...
This is the fourth video in a series of 21 byDr Vincent Knightof Cardiff University; it shows how to add lists to your LaTeX documents, including both bullet point lists and enumerated (numbered) lists. To create your own copy of the file used in this video, click here toopen the...
of 21 byDr Vincent Knightof Cardiff University. You can easily manage your references in LaTeX using a bibliography, stored as a .bib file. In this video Vince shows how to create a new .bib file, add references from e.g. Google Scholar, and cite these references in your LaTeX document...
Open this code in Overleaf. After compiling the project above, the LatexMk file can be downloaded via the Logs and output files button as shown in the following brief video clip: Other notes and advice If you wish to set, or check, the TeX Live version used to compile your project plea...
We've recently had a number of users get in touch to ask how to do certain things with Overleaf, to which our answer has begun: "Firstly, create a custom latexmkrc file in your project...". Given that this isn't the most intuitive part of LaTeX, and documentation on the web (and...
When writing something like a thesis its worth splitting up the document into multiple.texfiles. It's also wise to organise the project using folders; therefore, we'll create two new folders, one for all the images used in the project and one for all the.texfiles making up the main bo...
question is to create a command that takes in a certain bib-item and highlights it. I would like to pass two optional arguments to\parencite[pre][post]{#1}(wherepreandpostcould be empty) via a newcommand\hlcite[pre][post]{#1}. The command\hlcitewould then high...