and when I save Don’t append .json to the apple-app-site-association file and build the app, the url https://.com/apple-app-site-association redirecting to "/". Any idea what I did wrong? ios create-react-app vite ios-universal-links apple-app-site-association Share...
If you haven’t yet worked with TypeScript in React, you shall not worry; we have an article that will walk you through the required steps in order to set up your React application using React. You can check it outhere. Straightforward configuration Vite has a more straightforward configurati...
Typically, you might create a new project usingCreate React App, but it can take a lot of time to install over 140 MB of dependencies.Viteis a lightweight tool that takes up 31 MB of dependencies, which will save time in starting a new project. Vite also uses the browser-native ES (...
We will create a new React project with Vite and follow the steps indicated. This time we will usepnpm, you can use the package manager of your choice. pnpm create vite We install the dependencies that we will need in the project: ...
We'll use Vite for building the app... but any other environment like Next.js or Remix should be fine, too.copy code to clipboard npm create vite@latest react-i18next-translation-example -- --template reactWith the following lines you create an empty react app and start it:cd react-...
Setting up a Preact app with Vite First, let’s create a newPreact app using Vite. Execute the following command to start the setup process. npm init preact Upon executing this command, you’ll be prompted with several queries, like below: ...
If you want to leave it as-is, add @babel/plugin-syntax-decorators ( to the 'plugins' section to enable parsing. Plugin: vite:react-babel File: /home/user/codes/idb-test/src/index.tsx ...
5. Create a Remix App in the apps Folder (Or Move an Existing One) npx create-remix --template edmundhung/remix-worker-template When it asks you to Install any dependencies with npm say no. This is how it should look 6. Rename the name of the package.json to @repo/my-remix...
I am using yarn create vite to create a new react-typescript project with vite. There are two options in the template: @vitejs/plugin-react (Babel) @vitejs/plugin-react-swc (SWC) I want to automatically inject Intl message ID so this piece of code works: intl.formatMessage(...
CRA (create-react-app) is usually the default tool for setting up the project structure and configuration for a React application. It’s convenient as everything is set up for you, but it can be slow to build and reload during development. Vite, on the other hand, uses native ES modules...