EDIT: The great thing about GMaven is that you can access the maven object model directly without creating a plugin first and still have groovy's full programming power. What I do in cases like this is to create a source folder called src/main/groovy that is not part of the actual buil...
tasks.register("copyPomToRoot") { def publication = publishing.publications.maven def generatePom = tasks.named("generatePomFileFor${publication.name.capitalize()}Publication") dependsOn(generatePom) def output = rootProject.file("${publication.artifactId}-${publication.version}.pom") outputs.file(...
Create New Maven project in Eclipseenvironment. Name it asCrunchifyMavenBuildPlugins. If you have existing Dynamic Web Project or Java Project then usingthese stepsyou could convert project to maven project. After converting project to Maven you should seepom.xmlfile generated whi...
Updatepom.xmlto declare both log4j and the jodatime dependencies, for output to ajarformat, make sure the packaging is set to “jar”. Read below comment for self-explanatory. pom.xml <projectxmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance...
At this point you should have at leat 4 artifacts on the target directory: the binary jar, the artifact pom, a javadoc jar, and a sources jar. All of them are necessary for releasing on maven central. Manage your keys As I have a CI server, in order to generate the artifacts correctl...
How to Create a Fat Jar Using Maven To enable fat jar creation, just add the following xml snippet to your maven pom file. This will ensure that whenever you call the maven package task, all the dependent library code is also added to the generated fat jar. <build> <plugins> <plugin...
In a multi-module project layout, a parent project contains a parentpom.xmland each sub modules (sub projects) also containing ownpom.xml 2. Maven POM Let review the Maven multi-module POM files. 2.1 A Parent POM file, packaging ispom. ...
Lets see a detailed example togenerate ant build file from maven pom fileusingmaven ant plugin. 1. Create sample maven project $ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.howtodoinjava -DartifactId=antBuildScriptDemo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart ...
1. Create Maven Project in STS ( Spring Tool Suite ). First, we should create a spring project in STS follow below steps. STS is a spring application IDE based on eclipse. ClickFile —> New —> Othersmenu, selectMaven Projectin the popup wizard dialog. ...
Jetty server configuration will be added as a maven plugin org.mortbay.jetty jetty-maven-plugin 8.1.7.v20120910 ...