mortgages or credit cards. As a small-business owner, you can use a free pay stub program to create payslips for your staff. Most accounting software programs offer this option, too. Before getting started, make sure you know what's included on a pay stub. ...
Pro invoicing tips for small businesses. Learn how to create, send, and follow up an invoice, and speed up payment.
Having an assistant handle payroll saves you time on an essential part of business. Here's how to delegate payroll tasks to an assistant.
Payslip template Create an easy-to-follow record of pay and deductions for your employees. Get the template Cash flow forecast template Fill in this template to see if you’ll have enough cash for payroll. Get the template Payroll with Xero Learn how Xero can help with your payroll requirem...
Payslip template Create an easy-to-follow record of pay and deductions for your employees. Get the template Cash flow forecast template Fill in this template to see if you’ll have enough cash for payroll. Get the template Payroll with Xero Learn how Xero can help with your payroll requirem...