On RHEL6, configure the bonding parameters in ifcfg-bondX instead in file the /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf. The benefit is that those parameters could be changed per bonding interface during the interface initialization process, rather than the bonding driver initialization process. That is to say...
You can use the NIC Teaming to configuremultiple VLAN interfaces on Windows Server. To do it, you can even create a NIC Teaming group from a single network adapter. How to Create NIC Teaming on Windows Server with PowerShell? You can create and manage NIC Teams both through the Windows gr...
Add the virtual IP resource used to connect to the primary database: Run from any one node in the cluster to create the IPaddr2 cluster resource: Raw # pcs resource create pgvip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=<database IP> nic=<network interface> cidr_netmask=<network prefix>` # Example:...
If you are having trouble determining which ones are your physical NICs, the first interface will still have the server's public IP address attached to it by default. Once we have determined the names of our two NICs, we will configure NIC bonding in the OS. Create the interfaces...
$vm = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nicId; $osDiskName = "YourDiskOSName" $osDiskVhdUri = "YourDiskOSUri" $vm = Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM $vm -VhdUri $osDiskVhdUri -name $osDiskName -CreateOption attach -Windows New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $rgna...
$ vmadm create 注意UUID在最后一步。 该UUID是虚拟机的ID,将用于在其生命周期的其余部分引用它。 $ vmadm create < vmspec.json {"percent":1,"type":"update","message":"checking and applying defaults to payload"} {"percent":2,"type":"update","message":"checking required datasets"} ...
Linux: /etc/ilogtail/user_defined_id Windows: C:\LogtailData\user_defined_id If the user_defined_id file does not exist, create a file named user_defined_id and add the custom identifier of the machine group to the file. For more information, seeConfigure a custom identifier for...
In Oracle Solaris 10, Oracle Solaris Zones technology gave you the ability to create different isolated environments to suit the needs of your particular applications, all on the same instance of Oracle Solaris. Instead of running and managing multiple operating systems to host multiple applications ...
In Oracle Solaris 10, Oracle Solaris Zones technology gave you the ability to create different isolated environments to suit the needs of your particular applications, all on the same instance of Oracle Solaris. Instead of running and managing multiple operating systems to host multiple applications ...
Question 1: when i create NIC team with LACP, i need to define the VLAN ID 40 on NIC team otherwise the server is inaccessible from NIC team. how to resolve this ?I also add the interface on NIC team with VLAN 70.Question 2: When create virtual switch(Switch-VLAN40) from Hyper-V ...