Typescript was developed to do everything that JavaScript does but with types. I think it’s safe to say that once someone understands Typescript, it’s difficult for them to go back to their old ways because there is a clear benefit. ...
This tutorial will show you how to build an app with TypeScript. We will walk you step-by-step thru setting up, developing and running a web application that queries the Internet for current crypto-currency price data. We’ll be usingTypeScriptin theReact.jsandNext.jsframeworks. If you ar...
We’ll demonstrate how to integrate Auth0 with AWS Amplify using a Next.js app, showcase authentication, and deploy it using Amplify Hosting. Solution Overview The web application allows users to sign up and login using their email/password or social account like Google. Then, authentica...
With the above requirements met, create a new Next.js TypeScript application with this command: yarn create next-app --typescript The above command will prompt for the name of the project. Enternext-auth-demo, and hit the Enter key. Then wait while Next.js sets up everything and install...
It's not easy to create a website app that’s highly interactive, offers a smooth user experience (UX), and solves users’ needs. You need to strike the right balance between strong functionality and great aesthetics, so users can achieve their goals. But with the right tools and a ...
Install a package manager such as npm (which comes bundled with Node.js) or Yarn. Create a New React App: Open the command prompt or terminal. Execute the following command to generate a fresh React application with TypeScript:npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript Replace the...
Next.js (with TypeScript) For our frontend. WunderGraph as our Backend-for-Frontend server. You can think of this as an API gateway that serves as the only ‘backend’ that your frontend can see, coordinating all calls between the two on a request, transforming data according to unique re...
Step 1 — Starting the TypeScript Project To begin your TypeScript project, you will need to create a directory for your project: mkdirtypescript-project Copy Now change into your project directory: cdtypescript-project Copy With your project directory set up, you can install TypeScript: ...
Next, we'll develop the smart contract for our platform:Create a contracts folder at the project root. Inside contracts, create a PlayToEarnX.sol file and add the contract code below.The above smart contract is a Play-To-Earn (P2E) gaming platform, which is created with Solidity. ...
On the client side the same store is used, even between page changes. How to use Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example: git clone yarn yarn devAbout This example shows how to integrate Zustand in Next.js with typescript. You dont need to define the Store...