Goal:Be able to understand general, non-specialist content produced by native speakers for native speakers. Be able to communicate with native speakers about similar topics, albeit not necessarily completely correctly. Here are some typical questions belonging to the intermediate level: I feel that I...
(Note to advanced Anki users: I do this just for organization. Feel free to skip this step, as long as you’re not using the 1. Minimal Pairs deck – that deck has special settings that you won’t want here.) 4. Now you can start making flashcards. To make flashcards 1, 2, an...
You will have days where you create lots of cards, and other days where you don’t create any at all. To maintain a more even learning schedule and review burden, I recommend setting a daily threshold for new cards. I usually left my review card number uncapped to let Anki’s algorithm...
I haven’t done a serious kanji repetition for over a year now. I don’t regret the two years I spent using an Anki deck to go through the 常用漢字 (jōyō kanji, ordinary use kanji), but I do wonder whether daily writing in a journal from the very beginning of my studies—23 year...
How to create mnemonics for general or abstract character components(this article) Don’t use mnemonics for everything Turn general concepts into specific ones The first thing we need to pay attention to is the danger of being too general. This is especially true if you rely on other people’...
Now I enjoy studying and learning new material. It is pretty awesome. I really enjoy this. The Magnetic Memory Method makes learning not suck. I found some love of learning in very dense subjects. It is beautiful. My ability to create new images with densely encoded material and my ability...
If you’ve built up a really helpful Anki deck, you can share it, either with just a couple friends or the entire world. The Anki site is completely open to anybody to access or create any kind of cards imaginable, which is amazing. Plus, users take their Anki decks seriously, so ...
System design exercises deck Object oriented design exercises deck Great for use while on-the-go. Coding Resource: Interactive Coding Challenges Looking for resources to help you prep for theCoding Interview? Check out the sister repoInteractive Coding Challenges, which contains an additional Anki deck...
you can click on the word and save it to a deck of digital flashcards. Then you can use your flashcards for review, which also tests your spelling as you type in your answers. Chances are, you already need an English-German dictionary from time to time, so why not use one that can...
Here's how to convert a CSV file to .APKG: Ensure you have Anki installed on your device. Open Anki and create a new deck to import the flashcards. Prepare your flashcard data in a CSV file, with each row representing a flashcard and the columns containing the question, answer, and ...