In this video we will building an Azure Logic App for managing Tweets for capturing key phrases using Twitter connector as Trigger, and Cognitive Text Analytic and Storage Blob connector as Actions. When a user Tweets with configured Hashtag, Logic Apps gets triggered and passed t...
Even to create Logic App Standard (Single-tenant) in VS Code requires the Azure Logic Apps (Standard). Please share if you are having any issue using VS Code for this activity.
When i am editing an already created Logic app custom connector, i am getting blank screen and nothing else. I tried to delete it and recreate it but still the same issue. I tried this in 2 different subscriptions but same issue. Appreciate your help in this regard. thanks. Azure...
我們已經知道 Azure Logic Apps 的基本知識,現在我們來看看服務在幕後的運作方式。 此資訊能協助您決定 Azure Logic Apps 是否不需要進行任何自訂就能使用。 如此一來,在您需要建立自訂群組件的情況下,您就可以判斷其可能有多困難。 什麼是連接器? 連接器是一種元件,可提供服務或系統的介面,其形式為作業。 例如,...
Azure Logic Apps 針對這些概念使用了「觸發程序」、「動作」和「控制動作」等詞彙。 這些作業是 Azure Logic Apps 中工作流程的建置組塊。 下圖顯示如何在新聞監視應用程式中使用每種類型的作業:觸發程序和動作更具體的定義如下:觸發程序是符合特定條件時所發生的事件。 當滿足條件時,觸發程序會自動啟動或引發。
Follow the below steps to create an Azure Function. Step 1 Login to In the dashboard, choose to create a resource and click on "Compute". Now, choose "Function App". Click on "Create". Step 2 Enter the name you want to assign to the logic, choose the sub...
I want to configure the logic app in Microsoft Azure so that it sends incidents only within the time range of 7 AM to 5 PM, and only on working days, from Monday to Friday. i used Recurrence trigger itself. As shown below I have it for every 15 minutes on Monday to...
Solved: Hi All, I have a requirement to create Embed powerbi reporting using SSAS live connection as a source along with roles defined. 1. in logic
Azure Logic App (Consumption or Standard) Azure Active Directory (AAD) Solution 1 1.Create an AAD application registration 2.Add permission:UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All More details:
The scorecard merge module in the workflow is the statistics engine. It cannot simply apply average from the individual scorecards, as each type of metric will require different merge logic to get the right point estimate and variance.