To open License details and copy the license key text click the license ID link. Here you can find your license status, type, maintenance period, and end support date. At the bottom of the page you can find the License Key required to start using DBeaver. There are two options how to ...
MIT license How to create EXE file This repository is a guide how to create an executable file in Windows OS. It helps not only to create, but also to understand in more detail how .exe files are arranged. For each step in the guide, a corresponding byte-code is attached for convenienc...
Choose a fair use license Click the green “Create Repository” button to finish the process Post GitHub repository creation steps Once the GitHub repository is created, developers will need to obtain the unique GitHub URL associated with it and provide it to other developers and DevOps p...
This page is rendered when its directory is viewed on GitHub. The license that the code is provided under. Explains how users should contribute to the project, such as pull-request expectations. Explains the security policy for the project. Provides g...
Dockerfile Copy ENV NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=appName ENV NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=newRelicLicenseKey Modify the image entry point by adding: java -javaagent:/opt/agents/newrelic/java/newrelic-agent.jarTo install the agents for other languages, refer to the official documentation for the other agent...
Similarly, if youcreate an Appon Google Play services, the platform includes licensing tools that make it easier to express the open-source notices for components used in your app. Gradle plugin, for example, aggregates “license terms from included libraries, as declared in their POM files, ...
it will use its own sensible linting and fixing rules. These follow many best practices, but if you find yourself needing to modify the rules in any way, you can do so by extending the defaulteslintrules. To do so, create a file in your project directory named.eslintrcwhich extends the...
wget Copy Once the download has completed, mark the script as executable: chmod+x Copy Then, edit the file using your favorite text editor and adjust the first l...
gitclone<YourUserName>/demo Once the repo is cloned, you need to do two things: Create a new branch by issuing the command: git checkout -b new_branch Create a new remote for the upstream repo with the command: ...
README.mdThe landing page for the directory. This page is rendered when its directory is viewed on GitHub. LICENSE.mdThis file contains the license under which the code is provided. CONTRIBUTING.mdExplains how users should contribute to the project, such as pull request expectations. ...