In a page layout in ArcGIS Pro, if two or more map frames reference the same map, any manipulation to the layers of the map, such as turning any layer on or off, affects both the map frames of the layout. This affects cartographic practices, where an inset map may be used to display...
I started with the idea of creating a map that was a hybrid between a magazine centerfold and a colour plate from a field book or textbook. These are the types of resources I had available and I liked how these looked and felt. I aimed to create some resources that would lend some of...
Esri’s Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud extension allows users to create maps directly inside of Adobe Illustrator. If you are familiar with thismappingextension for Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, you can jump to the next section. With Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud, mapmakers can ...
Based on the measurements of the Harvey layer, an isopach map of the thickness of the Harvey deposit was generated for the portion of the SJE investigated, using ArcGIS (Fig. 7). Note, the contours on the map range from 0 to 50 cm, showing the range of cores from those areas outside...