-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here SELECT @Result = @A+@B-- Return the result of the function RETURN @ResultENDGO Now see how I call this function in SQL QUERYSELECT dbo.AddTwoNumber(2,2)How to Create Function in SQL Server...
How to create a dynamic multi-line function in SQL Server How to create a Folder using a SQL Query? How to create a Local Temp Table using command sp_executesql How to create a stored procedure that will create a table How to create a Stored Procedure which will truncate and insert two...
I need to create a function that is available across all database without two-part name. It's possible in SQL Server 2000. like this ... --- EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'ALLOW UPDATES', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa224829(SQL.80).aspx --- I can cre...
how to create a daily trigger and run a stored procedure in sql server How to create a Dual Listbox and transfer the delected items to back end from MVC web application? How to create a dynamic table with data comming from model, in MVC How to create a link button with mvc model Ho...
Sql Server Resource Fails to come online on Cluster with Error Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF] HOW TO CREATE A BASIC CLR FUNCTION TO EXECUTE AS A SP IN SQL SERVER How to change the collation of all the existing objects at once inside a data...
CREATEFUNCTION[functionname]([parametername][parametertype],[parametername][parametertype],...)RETURNS[datatype][DETERMINISTIC]RETURN[expression] First, you need to specify the name of the function in[function name]. Next, you need to declare any parameters you need to receive for the function. ...
Open an existing SQL Server Project, or create a new one. For more information, see How to: Create a SQL Server Project. From the Project menu, select Add New Item. Select User-Defined Function in the Add New Item Dialog Box. Type a Name for the new user-defined function. Add code ...
To create .rpt or .csv files from an SQL statement, use one of the following methods. Method 1: SQL Query Analyzer Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click Query Analyzer. In the Connect to SQL S...
I want to create a stored procedure in SQL Server with the given data below, but I don't know how to achieve this. My requirement is to change status column to overdue when rate column is not equal one hundred and end date is expired. if (Rate == 100) Status = "Completed" els...