I would like to create multiple repositories from a template repository with same folder structure , but without commit history . So that I donot have to copy paste or create manually the same structure that I need across multiple repositories . Git hub have this feature and I could no...
I have created a git repo on my on-prem server where I keep all my scripts. I would like to push this repo to Azure Repos via Scheduled Task in Windows and I can't figure out what am I doing wrong here. My bash script looks as follows: #!/bin/sh ( cd E:\Gi...
When you train, you need to direct the API to a subfolder. Configure cross-domain resource sharing (CORS) Enable CORS on your storage account. Select your storage account in the Azure portal and then choose the CORS tab on the left pane. On the bottom line, fill in the following values...
Hi Team,Can you please help me with powershell rest API, to upload a file to a folder in TFVC(TFS) repo from an Azure pipelines.yml file .Thanks
Azure CLI 复制 SECRETID=$(az keyvault secret show --vault-name <keyvaultName> --name GHPAT --query id -o tsv) echo $SECRETID 添加目录。 Azure CLI 复制 # Sample catalog example REPO_URL="https://github.com/Azure/deployment-environments.git" az devcenter admin catalog create --g...
This sample shows how to create two Azure Container Apps that use OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit using Terraform. - paolosalvatori/container-apps-openai
Below is the yaml file for an Azure Pipeline that continuously (on every change) builds the Dockerfile and pushes it to a Docker repository: Copy trigger:-devpr:-noneresources:-repo:selfparameters:-name:environmentdisplayName:'Deploy to Environment'default:'Prod'variables:-${{ifeq(parameters['...
In Azure, you may use the ephemeral disks (SSD) available on your VMs to provide a low-latency buffer for BlobFuse. Depending on the provisioning agent used, the ephemeral disk would be mounted on '/mnt' for cloud-init or '/mnt/resource' for waagent VMs. ...
A repo to show you how to use a private NuGet feed to restore packages in Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI and AppCenter. Topics react angular xamarin vue dotnet aspnetcore nuget uwp wpf ci-cd xamarin-forms ci-cd-pipeline Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars...
Add a AotCompatibility.TestApp.csproj to your repo following the above steps. Create a script that publishes the test app and ensures the expected number of warnings are emitted (ideally zero). Create a GitHub workflow which runs the script during PRs. This approach has been taken in many of...