Add IP output to Test-Connection Add line to a text file just after a specific line with PowerShell add lines of text to the TOP of a existing txt file in powershell Add Members to "Delivery Management" of the Distribution Group in Office 365. Add multiple ip's to a windows firewall ...
Name Path --- --- MyConfig C:\dsc\ Expected contents of a machine configuration artifactThe completed package is used by machine configuration to create the Azure Policy definitions. The package consists of:The compiled DSC configuration as a MOF Modules folder GuestConfiguration modu...
Type:String[]@()Specifies DSC resources to export from this module. Wildcards are permitted. Example:DscResourcesToExport = @("DscResource1", "DscResource2", "DscResource3") ModuleList Type:Object[]@()Specifies all the modules that are packaged with this module. These modules can ...
To create and use a module manifest The best practice to create a module manifest is to use theNew-ModuleManifestcmdlet. You can use parameters to specify one or more of the manifest's default keys and values. The only requirement is to name the file.New-ModuleManifestcreates a mod...
Microsoft 365 DSC creates reports in several formats, such as Excel, HTML and JSON. Executing theNew-M365DSCReportFromConfigurationcommand usesexported results to create the reportin the desired format. New-M365DSCReportFromConfiguration `
If you're not using the PPA builder and wish to manually build the package, you can either do it usingdebuild, from the directory where your debian source data is in: dpkg-source -x simulationcraft-x.y.z_foo.dsc cd simulationcraft-x.y.z ...
WinGet Configuration leverages PowerShell DSC to apply a configuration to the users system. The configuration file specifies which PowerShell DSC resources will be used to apply the desired state. Each DSC Resource should be reviewed before agreeing to run the configuration file.To review PowerShell...
Where to find PowerShell DSC Resource modules To create a WinGet Configuration file:Create a YAML file following the WinGet Configuration file naming convention. Familiarize yourself with the format of a WinGet Configuration file and link the current file schema. Determine the list of Assertions (req...
Machine configuration supports overriding properties of a DSC Configuration at run time. This feature means that the values in the MOF file in the package don't have to be considered static. The override values are provided through Azure Policy and don't change how the DSC Configurations are ...
How to create a .vbs file that will automatically paste defined text to the windows clipboard? How to create a alarm pop-up on the screen using powershell (as a reminder at a particular time) How to create a credentialcache object in powershell How to create a mount point with PowerShe...