Step 1: Install Laravel Project composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laraveldatatables The latest version is Laravel 11, so it will install Laravel 11 on your machine. Step 2: Setup MySQL database I created a new Database inside phpmyadmin called laratables like this: Now, ...
Laravel also offers a convenient way to handle CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations through resource controllers. You can create a resource controller using the following command: phpartisanmake:controllerProductController--resource A resource controller comes with predefined methods for the co...
In yourAppServiceProvider, tell Laravel to use your new controller in theboot()method. publicfunctionboot():void{// some other code ...// Customize Controllers$this->app->bind( \Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController::class, \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Auth\Lo...
For the integration, barryvdh's laravel-elfinder package is used.Manually install Backpack/CRUDIf the automatic installation doesn't work for you and you need to manually install CRUD, here are all the commands it is running:1) In your terminal:...
This will create the project directory and install everything you need for a new Laravel project. 🛠️️️ Once it's done installing, switch to that folder from the command line. cd travel-planet-crud Open up your code editor and find the file called .env. This is where you'...
First of all, you need to generate a token from GitHub. You can follow the GitHub official guide to create a personal access token. Next step, you have to export your GitHub token as an environment variable: export GITHUB_TOKEN=123 The final step is to set git config to use the basic...
Step 1 : Install Laravel 5.5 App we are going to from scratch so, we need to get fresh Laravel 5.5 application using bellow command, So open your terminal OR command prompt and run bellow command: composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog ...
Want to build your own API? Start by learning how to use the Laravel framework. This guide teaches you how to create an API with your first line of code, as well as how to take advantage of Laravel's built-in features.
Read Also:Codeigniter 3 and AngularJS CRUD with Search and Pagination Example. Step 3: Create Item Controller now, we have to create "Item" controller with index() and get_items(). so create ImageUpload.php file in this path application/controllers/Item.php and put bellow code in this fil...
Introduction The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides you with an easy way of interacting with your database. This simplifies all CRUD (Create, read, update, and delete) operations and any othe...