Composting is a great way to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden and shrink your carbon footprint. Reusing your organic matter for composting is beneficial in a number of ways, but let’s focus on how it helps your garden flourish, and how you can get started with your own compost ...
How to make compost: choose from the many easy ways to make compost for increased garden productivity: low-cost homemade bins, piles sans bins, chicken power, pest-proof tumblers--even indoor worm bins!Barbara Pleasant
Home compost bins don't usually get hot enough to break weeds down all the way, so adding weedy compost to your garden can introduce weeds to your flower veggie beds. Not what we're looking for here. grass clippings: Some grass is OK, but too much will add excess nitrogen to the ...
Find a secluded area away from where you or your neighbors might smell the compost. Place it near the garden to ease transport back and forth. Ideally, it should be placed in a more shaded area to prevent it from getting dried out. Add the ingredients Layer one: Spread coarse plant mater...
this is an indication of good soil health. Earthworms will multiply in a soil that has adequate organic matter, is well aerated and has actively growing plants. Compost helps to create such an environment in your garden and the earthworms will help maintain that and help you know that the so...
There are many reasons maintaining a home compost pile will benefit your home and family. Composting gives you the opportunity to use all your kitchen scraps to your advantage. It will lessen the amount of food that goes to waste in landfills and other waste sites. Instead, composting utilizes...
be finished compost, ready for use in the lawn or garden. Compost is the best soil amendment you can use to radically improve the fertility and health of your soil. Composting your yard waste turns the organic matter into a valuable soil amendment that you’d otherwise have to pay for. ...
Compost may be the secret ingredient to a beautiful spring garden! The weather is finally getting warmer, the sun is out a bit more and you may have put away the snow shovel. It’s spring! That also means it’s time to start prepping your garden for the new growing season. If you ...
The rich, organic material made from composting can be used as a plant fertilizer in your garden.Stephania Stanley / TODAY Interested in giving it a go? Here’s what you need to know about the process: How to compost in your yard
Find more tips for picking the right plants. Tips Start with the tallest, largest plants and place them in the back of your garden bed (or the middle if you can walk all the way around it). Next, begin to fill in the spaces between and under the tall plants to create layers, workin...