Brian Lewis my peer in Central shares his post on creating a Windows Azure VM with PowerShell, read on….. Try...
To get started, let’s build a script that resizes not just one but many different Azure VMs of your choosing. Open up VS Code and save a new PowerShell script; call itResize-AzVirtualMachine.ps1or something similar to that. This script will be what you’ll be adding code explained la... Introduction You can access all the Azure resources using Azure PowerShell. Azure PowerShell contains the set of modules that provide multiple cmdlets to manage the Azure resources with PowerShell scripts. You can also build automation process using Azure PowerShell scripts....
echo "Attach new data disk to VM" foreach($VmName in $VmNames){ Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VmName -Name $VmName -Verbose | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB 10 -DiskLabel "main" -LUN 1 -Verbose | Update-AzureVM -Verbose } Conclusion Reference
In this new chapter, we will show how to create a Virtual Machine in Azure with SQL Server installed using PowerShell
This post will detail steps in adding Azure Active Directory users via PowerShell via the simplest way possible allowing others to include the following...
Create a service principal withNew-AzADServicePrincipal. The value for-DisplayNameneeds to be unique; replace with your own value as needed. Azure PowerShell $sp=New-AzADServicePrincipal-DisplayName"PackerPrincipal"-roleContributor-scope/subscriptions/yyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyy$plainPassword= ...
If you want to tag a virtual machine using the Azure CLI, see How to tag a virtual machine in Azure using the Azure CLI.Use the Get-AzVM cmdlet to view the current list of tags for your VM.Azure PowerShell Copy Open Cloud Shell ...
I was asked how to automate formatting a data drive on an Azure VM. The drive had been provisioned already when the infrastructure was created via ARM script, however the disk was raw. I developed this solution with Azure PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), Azu...
About This Video This video shows how to use Windows Azure Platform PowerShell Cmdlets to manage Windows Azure deployments. The video will demonstrate how to configure an environment to run the cmdlets and how to get started with some simple deployment scripts....