Let’s look at a common scenario. Let’s say you want to create an Azure Function app. While it’s simple in the Azure portal, the wizard you go through in creating it is collecting enough information on creating the resource. Let’s see that… Azure Portal - create Azure Function App...
商业用途的 Azure 门户是:https://portal.azure.com 美国政府的 Azure 门户是:https://portal.azure.us Azure 对订阅管理(包括计费、配额调整和帐户转移)提供无限支持。 对于技术支持,需要支持计划。 有关详细信息,请参阅比较支持计划。 使用入门 可以通过 Azure 门户菜单、全局标头或服务的资源菜单在 Azure 门户...
Portal Azure CLI 在API 管理实例的左侧导航栏中,选择“产品”。 选择一个产品,然后选择“API”。 选择“+ 添加 API”。 选择一个或多个 API,然后点击“选择”。 访问产品 API 发布产品后,开发人员可以访问 API。 根据产品的配置方式,他们可能需要先订阅产品才能访问该产品。 受保护的产品 - 开发人员必须先...
To build a translator application, we'll firstly create a Cognitive Speech Service in Azure. Then we'll call Cognitive Speech API for real-time speech translation and configure its API key in Azure Function.You use the following components for this unit:...
瞭解如何開始使用 Azure OpenAI 服務,並在 Azure CLI 或 Azure 入口網站 中建立您的第一個資源並部署您的第一個模型。
I've found where to do that in the azure portal web ui, in the 'Platform Features' tab(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-how-to-use-azure-function-app-settings#cors), but I can't find anything about modifying that setting via azure cli, or by the VSTS...
If you look in the folder, there isn't much here: We still need to create an Azure Function within the project. Azure Functions have a set of templates, depending on what type of application you're making. We want to create an HTTP trigger, a function that responds to an HTTP request...
Part3 Integrate Azure Active Directory B2C with APIM developer portal Step1. Create an application client secret This client secret is also known as anapplication password. The secret will be used by developer portal to exchange an authorization code for an access token. ...
Step 9: Now, go to Azure portal and select the App Services. After running the service, clickGet function URLbycopying it. Then, paste it to the below client sample (Which will request the Azure Function, to create Excel file in Azure functions). You will get the Excel document as belo...
If any role instances require a certificate, create the certificates. Cloud services require a .pfx file with a private key. You can upload the certificates to Azure as you create and deploy the cloud service. Create and deploy Sign in to theAzure portal. ...