return array( 'default' => 'mysql', 'connections' => array( # Primary/Default database connection 'mysql' => array( 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'database' => 'mysql_database', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => 'secret' 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation...
You should create a folder called Helpers under the app folder, then create file called whatever.php inside and add the string whatever inside the $helpers array. Done! Edit I'm no longer using this option, I'm currently using composer to load static files like helpers. You can add the ...
Create the back-end application Bootstrap the Laravel application The first thing we need to do is to bootstrap a new Laravel application. To do that, run the command below. Feel free to use any ofthe other methods of bootstrapping Laravel applicationsif you prefer them. ...
In this tutorial, I'll take you through an example on how to create a Laravel package in just 7 steps. So, let's go ahead and dive into it. 1. Create our folder for our new package. Create a fresh Laravel project; laravel new core ...
You cancreate pwa with laravelin minutes by using Laravel PWA. Step 1:Use the following command to install the package: composer require ladumor/laravel-pwa Step 2:In the provider section of the app.php config file, add Service Provide. If you installed it on Laravel 6 or later, you may...
Next, let’s create a migration file to help us save reviews to the database. Create a new folder nameddatabasein thepackages/Acme/PageReviewdirectory. Inside this folder, create amigrationsfolder. Run this command in the Laravel project root directory to create the package migration: ...
Create a virtual host for your Laravel project by setting up a web server configuration file using the nano text editor. For Apache, run the following command:sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/laravel.confWithin the file, write the following configuration. Make sure to replace the ...
After creating the model file and declaring the$fillablearray, you must create the migration file using the command below: php artisan make:migration create_comments_table Note:The naming convention for creating migrations in Laravel is usuallysnake_case, also known asunderscore_case. The first word...
Hello, I am very new to PHP programming and Laracast. I have an array and I want to select all its indexes with * or something. I want to save the same value to all its indexes. I am trying it in laravel. For example: public funciton arrayFunction() { $sampleArray = [ 'one' ...
If I define a collection and try to convert it to array via ..., it will do that automatically. I wanted to implement such a thing for a class that I've defined, so I've defined toArray method, but that doesn't seem to work(also __toArray). So how th