.Net core 3.0 API request/response logging middleware .Net Core 5 API with Ocelot Gateway, simplely just trying to get it to run .Net Core Api 502 Error: Bad Gateway Error occurs sometimes .Net Core Best Practices For Returning Data From Linked (Foreign Key) Table .net core consuming al...
When I do this I think I say to the server that "Use earlier version of .net core 2.2"does that not change performance of my app?also if I change my server which supports .net core 2.2 and if I forget to change this line does that downgrade my version below 2.2?
For example, the downstream API has 10 endpoints and we want to expose only 2 out of them and the gateway has mapping of only 2 endpoints. Welcome! It doesn't have a similar function. But if you create an issue in the repository of my package I'll resolve it. 👍 2 vadimkhm com...
Blog.Core 开箱即用的企业级前后端分离【 .NET Core6.0 Api + Vue 2.x + RBAC】权限框架。 其他版本看具体分支吧🎉 官网:http://apk.neters.club/.doc/已被近100家公司所使用(🐱🚀):点击查看列表 欢迎盖楼,留下公司真实名字的,可得定制化指导服务。 同时商业授权付费版也悄悄准备上线,欢迎联系...
am calling a page handler method to get the customer details, if any error occurs in the server side then i need to throw a exception with the custom message to the ajax call. Now the issue is am not getting back the custom error message i thrown it from page handler catch block....
You convert a DateTime to a string and then back to a DateTime. But the "DateTime" datatype doesn't use any particular format. It is just that the same DateTime value can be shown differently when converted to text as not all countries are using the same conventions for the SAME value....
.Net Core 5 API with Ocelot Gateway, simplely just trying to get it to run .Net Core Api 502 Error: Bad Gateway Error occurs sometimes .Net Core Best Practices For Returning Data From Linked (Foreign Key) Table .net core consuming all RAM and not releasing .Net Core consuming WCF service...
I start to develop a new web application, I create a Domain Object, Inteface, DAL and BLL...I would like to test all before use that.If I use the developed function in web application in .net core 2 I put in Startup.cs some code like this :...
package: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http 1.0.0-rec2-final Namespace: using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features; but after installing the package getting lots of error due to this package like below.Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error NU1002 The dependency Microsoft.Extension...
My knowledge is insufficient to determine how the suggested fixes are applicable what I am doing.Please advise.复制 newUserName.created = DateTime.UtcNow; newUserName.modified = DateTime.UtcNow; var httpClient = ClientFactory.CreateClient("ServerAPI"); var response = await httpClient....