How To Make Your Home Energy and Cost Efficient
Making your home energy efficient is an important part ofreducing your carbon footprintand helping the world. Many people make changes in their daily life frombuying reusable coffee cupsto walking to work but not many people are aware of how they can adapt their home. In this article, we ar...
Recessed ceiling canister lights pose special problems for a homeowner bent on making a home more energy-efficient. The older types are extremely leaky and are difficult to make airtight. Because of regulations concerning fire safety, the best you can do is to build an airtight box of flame-re...
It’s hard to see a downside to making a home more energy efficient. It saves you money and it’s good for the environment. And since your new home is already going to save you money on your energy bill (through those aforementioned toilets, windows and lightbulbs), why not make iteven...
Homeowners who live in areas with a high number of heating degree days receive a faster payback on an investment in energy efficient heating equipment than those who live in areas with lower numbers of heating degree days. Conversely, homeowners who live in areas with a high number of cooling...
Technology has helped up improve our energy efficiency among other things, and it shows no signs of stopping. Make the most of living in the current age by leveraging technology in your home, and you will find an easier, more efficient way to live!
you’ll realize there’s a lot to think about and a lot of pieces to consider. Every house is different and everyone has different finances and considerations. So, before you begin, think about why you want to make your home more energy efficient. Is it to save money and feel more comf...
We make it easy to be green. Our four steps of learning how to be green include home energy efficiency, efficient heating and cooling, renewable energy sources, electric cars and hybrid cars.
This is not an energy-efficient way for your house to operate. Take time to seal up all these cracks as soon as possible so you’re not paying to heat or air-condition anything other than your home. 8. Change Your Lightbulbs A simple swap that can lead to big changes in your energy...
The sun heats your water through the transparent material of the tank and is backed up by an electric or gas heater for when the temps drop. Electric stove and energy-efficient bulbs and appliances By far, your best option for a self-sufficient and sustainable home is ENERGYSTAR-rated ...